Like i have made very clear in my previous western themed postings, western is not my genre. however they are very interesting to learn about, while researching for this class i came across many interesting facts and themes that go into the making of a western that i was previously unaware of. Westerns usually are about how the simple way of living is confronted by modern changes, whether its social or technological. this is done in many ways big or small, it can be between farmers, being threatened by the no need for them anymore, or even between natives and U.S. settlers. i found out that American Westerns between the years of 1940 and 1950 usually emphasize honor and sacrifice, however the westerns between the years of 1960s and the 1970s were more pessimistic, and how glorifying the antihero and talking about the inequality and violence of the Western America. it is interesting that these films were still allowed to be made even though they spoke about such touchy relevant subjects. The themes in westerns usually surround around honor and codes of civilization. there is always a distinct law, that either people go against or are for. westerns are usually set in obsolete areas like empty ranches, wide open desserts, on a field. however there is always a sort of town as well. the town has a church, school, saloon, sheriff, and a bank. these places are run very tight and there is a heavy code of honor. the bars and saloons seem to be free range, filled with alcohol, ladies, cards, and guns. at the end of most westerns i feel that there is always some sort of moral statement made, that wraps up the whole tale. westerns are usually based in California, Mexico, some places on the west coast that are hot and dry. however there are also westerns that are based in Australia as well.