High Noon

I really liked this movie! The ending is soooo good. Will Kane must confront a gang of criminals, Kane put their leader away for murder years before, and now he is out and looking to kill him. He goes around the town to gather people for help, he has done so much for this town and assumes it wont be hard, everyone turns him away! Even the judge and his own deputy. Instead of running away he stays put and defeats them all! When everyone comes to congratulate him, he just takes his star off and kicks it to the floor and drives off in his carriage!   "Carl Foreman stated the film was intended as an allegory of the contemporary failure of intellectuals to combat the rise of McCarthyism , as well as how people in Hollywood had remained silent while their peers were blacklisted." this is a common theme in the world. when something happens to someone and they reach out for help but no one wants to get their hands dirty, most people will run away to save themselves, but a few people in this world will stay in out and prove themselves just so that they can regain their pride and walk away from the poeple that walked away from them!