Eraser Head
This movie is unlike any other film i have seen. I'm still not quite sure what it is that i saw, i think i need to watch this movie a few times to really understand the significance of if. there are so many things in this film that i feel are metaphors for something. i feel that in this movie there is some type of theme or message, however i could not grasp what it was. i liked the director used music to describe the feelings of the room. when there would be something stressful that Henry was feeling, the music would get very stressful, almost freaky, like the water would begin to boil and make a loud whistling sound. in the scenes where Henry is feeling something ,the viewer cannot help but feel the same way. David Lynch uses music, back ground noises, and everyday sounds instead of dialog. what did the eraser head mean? what did it mean that his head made erasers? and why does his girl friends mother hit on him. the scene at Mary X's house is the most awkward scene in the entire film to me, it is every one's worst nightmare of what going to meet the parents is like!