Action/Adventure films

Action films: these films are primarily about the action scenes such as cars crashing, planes blowing up, and people shooting each other. these type of scenes are more important in these films than plot and dialog. The films are usually based on loose plot lines such as the main hero trying to save a group of people from something bad. there is usually some nice fast cars and a beautiful women. The main character usually has some sort of side kick as well. In the past the main character tended to be a man, however more recently women have been kicking some booty too. there are many sub genres in actions films. such sub genres are action comedy, die hard scenario, girls with guns, and heroic bloodshed. some examples of action comedy are actions films that are funny too like charlie's angels and Beverly hills cop. an example of die hard scenarios are snakes on a plane and air force one, this is when a limited location is under attack and the hero must fight! examples of girls with guns are Nikita and Lara croft tomb raider! these movies are my favorite type of genre to watch duh! these movies are total girl power action movies! examples of heroic bloodshed are films that have dynamic fight scenes and are based of themes of brotherhood and honor.

Adventure: adventures films are similar to action films. they are usually based on the main heroic character is always in some sort of dangerous situation and is trying to get from point a to point b. trying to rescue, stay alive, or complete a mission. there is always a lot of action in these film. some examples of an adventure films are Jurassic Park, Star Wars and the Mummy.