The cult film: I feel that there is no real specific definition for a cult film, i think that someone cannot intend on making a cult film either. from what i have learned it is the audience that makes a cult film and cult film. sometimes as soon as the film is released it is taken in by a cult and made what it is, and sometimes it is years later, when that film is being showed at a midnight movie it is remembered and loved. sometimes cult movies are what they are because they are just that good, and sometimes they are just "so bad that it is good". rarely cult films are loved by the masses, and most of the time, cult films are taken in a loved by a smaller very specific audience. cult films are known to be inordinate, very eccentric and usually step out of the box of traditional standards of mainstream cinema. they are considered controversial and taboo. they bring up issues and images that other movies are too scared to. these movies take a risk, and they are either loved or not. cult films are films that have not achieved main stream success but however have gathered a group of almost obsessed fans that love the movie to death. i feel like when a product, movie, clothing item, video game, really takes a risk and makes something different they wont achieve mainstream success right away, but the fact that it is so different, edgy, and daring, it captures the hearts of some people. then little by little it gets more and more popular and eventually hits the mainstream radar. this is what happened with El Toro. it got so popular in the underground scene that John Lennon bought it and put it in a wide release all around new york and big theaters, and it eventually lost all its appeal.