For someone who doesn't like westerns I did enjoy watching this movie. To tell you the truth, I did not know much about westerns, and had not seen many at all, maybe 1 or 2. They just seemed "boring" to me. Maybe it was the way they looked or how long they typically are, I just avoided them at all costs. The Wild Bunch is a fun, loud, theme filled rambunctious movie about a gang out old outlaws getting ready to retire for good. They just want their one last ride, their one last deal, that will set them straight financially for a long while. Another theme similar to public enemy "once last punch". This theme always makes me so nervous! It foreshadows that this will be their last and final fight. Not because they will stop after this one, but because they will die. Another theme in this film is betrayal. In this film the men live by a code of honor. At the end they leave their friend to basically die with the mexicans, they while they are trying to relax and drink they all realize "when you side with a man, you stay with him. Otherwise you are just some animal." They all get up and this is what initially lead to the conclusion of their journey.