Crime and gangster films are always fun to watch, they are usually based on crime, drugs, money ,bank-robbers, murders, women, and cars. What I have found quite common in most of these films is that the audience usually
develops a type of sympathy for the main criminal. And at some point in the movie you are not sure if you are on the "good guy's" side or the "bad guy's" side. But the "good guy" always wins. These movies are usually based in large crowded cities, so that one can see the small shadowy crevices that these criminals hide out in. Gangster films are usually a story about morals, the criminal is usually someone who is striving to make money, make a name for himself. The criminal is usually coming from a small poor family and sees an opportunity to make it big. There is usually some sort of catch. An example of this would be : "the only problem is it means doing something illegal to get the money like robbing a bank". The criminal thinks that he can do it just this once and then be done with it. And then they get addicted to the money, the thrill, the rush, and they keep doing it till they die doing it. Gangster and crime movies dates back to the early 1900s, but it was not until the 1930's when sound was invented that these films really became a thrilling entertainment. The sound of the machine guns going off, the car driving away and the women screaming really added to the plot lines. The themes in the 1930s really went well with the genre as well. The prohibition era led way for fantastic movies about bootlegging alcohol and the ups and downs of that business like in the public enemy.