Mystery and Suspense

These films are usually filled with plot lines of someone trying to uncover something else. in the process of this is being hunted, in trouble, or in danger. These types of films are usually fiction, however sometimes they are not. There is usually some type of plot twist as well. there are many types of myster suspense films, such types are Cozy myster, police procedural, and hardboiled. an example of hardboild would be Sam, Spade in The Maltese Falcon. The feeling of suspense is having the feeling of uncertanity, not knowing what will happen next, feel scared for each moment to come. This feeling is the type of feeling that gets me the most scared when watching a movie, i get so scared that somethhing is going to pop out of nowhere! The not knowing what will happen next mixed with the trying to solve some type of myster is what makes these types of films so hard to watch. In diabolique, both of these types of genres were relevant. There was a myster of them trying to figure out where her husband went, and also the suspense of knowing he could pop out at any moment. this stress is was ultimatley let to her demise.