Science fiction is "realistic speculation about possible future events based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method"( Robert A. Heinlein). This is the first definition I have heard of science fiction that I feel really captures the true meaning of genre.

The creepy thing about science fiction films is that the themes are usually presented in a way that the viewer actually believes that I could happen.

Like in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the film is set up in a way that makes it seem like seedpods could actually take over any town, even your town, and after you are done watching this film it probably will. The fact that science fiction films usually involve some sort of element that has either happened in history or is a current event usually give the film a relatable

Not all science fiction films are based in relatable settings, in fact a lot of them are based in the future, the past or even in space. Films usually involve a theme of the discovery of some new thing that contradicts the known way of reality. Like in Terminator II, they send a human like robot alien back in time. That is defying three major thinks that we have come to know as reality. the fact that there are aliens, time travel, and human like robots that can kill!

Science fiction has many sub genres, some of which are hard science fiction, time travel, super human, space opera, apocalyptic, cyber punk, soft and social science fiction, and military science fiction.
credibility and makes you think that it could happen. Like how in Invasion of the Body Snatchers is based in such a normal town, where everyone works jobs just like you and the underlying theme is communism, it just makes the film seem that much more real.