This movie is beautiful. I love the set design. The music went so perfectly with the setting. It took me a while to figure out exactly what was going on though. I found myself having to rewind scenes and re watch them. I don't exactly understand why she didn't leave the school! At the beginning of the story, Every time something scary was about to happen, you would hear this scary music box song and heavy breathing. With all the flashbacks to that girl screaming about the blue orchid, I was expecting something scarier. I was expected a scarier twist. I thought the main character was very interesting. She arrives at this studio that turns her away, and sees a girl screaming and crying in the rain, then comes back the next day. She seems naive at first, and then slowly puts all the clues together. After throwing out her food, which had been poisoned by the witches, she musters up the courage to investigate what all the other girls disappeared while doing She hardly even finds anything that the audience doesn't already know. There was so much build up, but it was almost to nothing. I think it’s a pretty decent climax when she finally kills the witch. That was pretty exciting. Was that witch the one who was breathing heavy? Was she the thing that possessed everyone? I feel like there was something creepier going on, something else that was not addressed.