So I feel kind of lame. The reason for me feeling this way is that I had quite I hard time getting through this movie. I felt like I was supposed to LOVE IT! But to tell you the truth I kept falling asleep. Maybe I just needed more sleep; of maybe it was the echoing in the chapel, or the soft blankets of my room on my second attempt. Anyway it was very funny though. I see where Tyler Perry and Eddie Murphy got the idea to play every character in their films. I love the three characters that Peter Sellers played; they were all so different and funny. It really reminded me of, I hate to use this reference again, but Mike Myers in Austin Powers. There are so many similar plot lines in the films. This film is a satire, throwing shots that the cold war. They sort of make fun of the Atomic Bomb, and how ridiculous it was to even build something that could destroy the world. They do this by making a bomb called the "Doomsday machine!" Although they tried to not make it too obvious, this movie is definitely based around a specific group of people. One example would be Ripper and Turgidson, they are said to be based on or compared to the Air Force general Curtis LeMay and the Strategic Air Command.